Tuesday 4 November 2008

Chamber Punk


Found a comment by them on the myspace for a zine I sometimes buy about female artists. Haven't thought about them in years. I'll have to buy a CD.

Thinking of going adventuring to Ladyfest Manchester this weekend... Zombina & The Skeletones, The Slits, Vile Vile Creatures, Miss The Occupier, Awesome Wells... somebody pinch me!

Stand by for my Disorganizised poster in the (vague) style of Alphonse Mucha, the finished Conscripts demo sleeves, press stuff and mock-ups for marketing events/website, and a mini-project about make-up branding.

Volunteering at Plus+ on Friday and then I might run away to Manchester, depending on financial and work constraints.

1 comment:

Robert Sharl said...

Ladyfest sounds like fun. If only Jarboe and Siouxsie Sioux were there then it'd be perfect. Oh and Billie Ray Martin too. The Slits! Awesomeness indeed.