Friday, 25 July 2008

I am specializing in Branding & Identity for my final year. I recently took a short course in business essentials which was quite rewarding, and am trying to read up on brand strategies. It may seem corporate to you - but I rather enjoy problem-solving; if a business or person gives me a word or idea I try to make it happen, it's not just graphic design but it includes graphic design. This has been a rather large concept for me to wrap my little brain around. But I seem to have done it now. I think identity is the nitty-gritty of design. And the rules and planning and drive that I've applied to myself can be applied almost precisely to business. Which is quite useful.

I'm finishing the youth decay website (slowly, particularly as I have no internet connection)... I helped design the new menu for the Prince of Wales. But I only had a day and what I provided was the bare bones, intended to be improved upon by the wine company's in-house design team.... So I used basic fonts, like the awful MS French SCript, to give an idea of contrasting fonts.
When the final menu came in, the fonts had become even more simplified and the first print, designed to be a deep burgundy, had come out in a horrendous shade of salmon. So, I learned, don't underestimate yourself, and don't necessarily trust in-house design teams to be better than you are.
Even if they are in London.

Now I need to think of a really great concept for a portfolio website and build it. And I need to do my CV and start researching my proposal and dissertation.

I want to use a band who are friends of mine as an ongoing branding/identity project ofr the next year, they're called The Conscripts and are very serious and dedicated and good. But I do need to convince them further.

I should be teaching a couple of photoshop classes in August which I'm quite excited about.

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