Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Music in Birmingham - Issues Based Project

So I've spoken to David Os and am going to look at music in Birmingham - the music I am personally involved with - and study artwork, graphic authorship, underground scenes in places like New York and movements from the past, and the look and feel of them, and see what I can come up with for Birmingham - something unique to birmingham that offers a stamp of quality to events, gigs etc, and maybe makes us feel involved and excited. Something that isn't necessarily uber-cool custard factory style dance-scene stuff - which already has its own identity. What I'd love to continue doing is artwork for bands, inspired by music and designed to illustrate and promote music, so the opportunity to base a project around flyers and promotional materials in this area would be great - there's nothing as rich, exciting and with as much freedom involved, I don't think.
I've got a book of rock posters (the american illustrated kind) and will be doing some research on the various movements, both in graphics and music, and how they interlink, and how I can make things seem more exciting around here - create an atmosphere, work some magic in the grunge/indie arena. The big gap is in promotion and interest for us lousy guitar bands. What makes a scene a scene? is it all retrospective, romance from a distance? Or can I conjure one up out of slogans and images? So, I don't know if this is possible yet but it will be fun!

I think I will use the title 'Youth Decay'.

1 comment:

Robert Sharl said...

So Sarah, are you attending Gigbeth?